Step 2: Applying at the partner university, THI, Germany

Updated information on the application procedure at THI:

Firstly, all exchange students need to be selected and nominated for an exchange semester by their home university by the beginning of June (for 2 term) or January (for 1 term). Only nominated students can be taken into account! Currently, Prof. Maurício de Campos Porath is in charge of the nomination which happens automatically after the selection.

Application Process

The whole application process takes place online. Therefore, please refrain from sending THI application documents via e-mail or in hard copy!

Extra step: Checking your E-mail regularly

As the whole application is online, almost all the important documents will be sent by e-mail, so be sure to check your e-mail regularly and save the important documents and information in an organized way.

As soon as the application period of the respective semester starts, the nominated students receive a link to THI’s online application tool. Having registered, the tool will gradually guide you through the application process.

Application Documents

You need to have the following documents on hand in order to upload them when required:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Transcript of Records (Histórico Escolar)
  • Picture for your Student ID card
  • English´s proficiency certificate

Application Deadline

  • Winter semester from October until February (= 2nd semester at UFSC):  May 31st
  • Summer semester from March until July (= 1st semester at UFSC): December 1st