Step 1: Applying at UFSC for the scholarship

Only students that meet these requirements are eligible to apply for the engJoin! program:

  • Studying Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering or Transport and Logistics Engineering at UFSC;
  • IAA ≥ 7,00 (Cumulative grade point average);
  • When applying, the student must have done all regularly scheduled subjects of the first 2 semesters;
  • The students must have B1 or better English proficiency according to CEFR or equivalent level in IELTS or TOEFL.


The students that have successfully applied will receive a single lump sum of 1575€ to deal with the trip cost and a monthly scholarship of 400,00€ for 5 months. The German authorities require proof of income or financial availability equal to or greater than EUR 861.00 per month to grant permission to stay in the country. In other words, the student must additionally have a total of 5 x EUR 461 = EUR 2305.00 to complement the scholarship amount during the five-month stay in Germany. This amount needs to be available before the exchange starts, as it needs to be deposited in a specific bank account in Germany.

Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is a document that is used to validate on UFSC the subjects you will do on THI. A formulary is provided in the UFSC webpage and these are the steps to fill it:

  • Firstly you have to fill the document with all your data, the subjects you want to do and you need to sign it.
  • Then you send the document to your course coordinator at UFSC. The coordinator will be responsible for checking it and telling you the subjects that you can validate at UFSC. But the coordinator DON’T need to sign yet.
  • Now that you know the subjects that you can validate, you need to send the Learning Agreement to the Departmental coordinator at THI to get it signed.
  • Same process now with the Institutional Coordinator at THI.
  • At this point your course coordinator at UFSC can sign it and after this the document is done.

If one of your subjects from THI can’t be validated directly, it can be used in other ways like extra hours (horas complementares).