
UFSC students Nicollas, Bruno and Henrique, that stayed at THI in 2020/21.
AWARE (Applied NetWork on Automotive Research and Education) is a network established since 2013 between three main partners – UFSC, THI (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt), UFPR – and further partners from industry, research and politics. In 2020, THI opened an institution functioning as a roof over its AWARE activities and projects: the AWARE Center.
One of the AWARE projects is eng.join!, a program between UFSC-Joinville and THI that offers students from both universities an opportunity to do an exchange abroad, in other words: students from UFSC go to THI and students from THI go to UFSC. This academic partnership was established between the undergraduate course Engineering and Management (BSc.) of THI and the courses of Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering and Transport & Logistics Engineering of UFSC. One of the main goals of the project is to establish a long term mutual credits recognition agreement.
The program is financed with resources from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Three students per year from UFSC (one student per course mentioned) can receive a scholarship and a lump sum to deal with trip expenses for a stay of 5 months at THI during the second semester (= winter semester at THI, October-February).
During the exchange period, the selected students will take a minimum of 6 subjects of the Engineering and Management course (B.Sc.), ending up with 24 class hours. All disciplines offered are in English and in case of satisfactory grades, the correspondent credits will be validated in the curriculum at UFSC.
Find more information on the application procedure and much more in the documentation .